Sick BBC croc expert tortured 39 dogs to death before posting videos online

A highly regarded British crocodile expert who has worked with David Attenborough for the BBC has confessed to a series of horrendous charges in Australian court including bestiality and possession of child exploitation material.

Adam Britton, 51, admitted to a shocking 56 counts of animal cruelty during a recent court hearing, where he was accused of also filming the acts of cruelty towards numerous dogs – including his own pets – with most of the poor creatures dying afterwards. The court heard how he had raped puppies and totured more than 40 dogs at his animal shelter. He even called the pets ‘f*** toys’ and during the abuse. Of the 42 animals he abused, 39 of them were tortured to death.

The case unfolded in the Northern Territory (NT) Supreme Court in Australia, where the distressing details were revealed, leading the judge – in a rare move – to restrict the reporting of a number of the more harrowing details.

Chief Justice Michael Grant expressed his concern about the troubling content of the case, acknowledging its potential to cause distress among those in the courtroom.

In an uncommon move, he even excused security officers and junior court officials from the proceedings due to the sensitive nature of the case.

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The court head that Britton was an individual with a disturbing pattern of behaviour, dating back to at least 2014. The court heard that Britton had not only subjected his own pets – two Swiss Shepherds called Ursa and Bolt – to cruelty but also manipulated other dog owners into giving up their animals using Gumtree – under the proviso he would look after them.

Britton reportedly scoured the online marketplace platform to identify individuals willing to re-home their pets due to travel or work commitments. He would then establish rapport with these individuals and eventually convince them to part with their dogs.

When these former pet owners sought updates on the well-being of their animals, Britton allegedly fabricated false stories and provided outdated photos to allay their concerns.

In reality, he subjected the dogs to cruelty within a shipping container on his property, which he referred to as a “torture room.” He also recorded the abuse, and shared the videos of these disturbing acts online under various aliases to evade detection.

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It was one such video that ultimately led to Britton’s arrest by Northern Territory police in April 2022. Shockingly, of the 42 dogs subjected to abuse in the 18 months leading up to his arrest, 39 did not survive.

He also pleaded guilty to four counts of accessing and transmitting child abuse material. Britton has been in custody since his arrest and awaits a sentencing hearing scheduled for December.

Originally from West Yorkshire, he relocated to Australia over two decades ago and earned recognition for his expertise in crocodile conservation.

Britton has a PhD in zoology, as well as holding an academic position at Charles Darwin University. Notably, he hosted renowned broadcaster David Attenborough during the filming of a segment of the “Life in Cold Blood” docuseries on his property.

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