Vladimir Putin blow as £27bn of equipment destroyed in Ukraine war

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Vladimir Putin is facing a massive nightmare with Russia having already spent more than £134bn on the Ukraine war so far with £27billion worth of equipment destroyed so far, according to new calculations.

The Russian president ordered tens of thousands of troops to invade Ukraine in February 2022.

But in the 19 months since them, his army has expended roughly £134bn on the conflict – meaning Russia is spending about £242 million per day alone on its war against Ukraine, according to new figures from Forbes in Ukraine. 

The figures are based on calculations from the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, collected from data between February 24, 2022, to August 24, 2023.

This estimate does not, however, include constant defense spending not related to military operations, as well as economic losses of the aggressor country.

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The significant spending covers various categories such as funding military operations, which has cost Russia around £41bn, and salaries for servicemen, amounting to £28bn, according to the figures.

Additionally, there are significant outlays for compensating the families of the deceased, totaling £21 billion, and assisting wounded soldiers, which has cost £16billion.

The cost of replacing destroyed equipment also stands at a significant £27 billion.

But after the rapid devaluation of the ruble, the “cost” of Russian soldiers for the budget of the Russian Federation decreased significantly.

The financial burden associated with Russian soldiers has considerably reduced. In 2022, the daily cost per serviceman was approximately £160, but it has now dropped to around £96 per day.

Similarly, the depreciation of the ruble has led to diminished compensation payouts in US dollars.

Previously, at an exchange rate of 60 rubles per dollar, compensation for the family of a deceased soldier in Russia amounted to about £89,000.

Today, this figure has decreased to approximately £52,000 . Likewise, compensation for wounded soldiers has seen a decline from £36,000 to £21,798.

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But the level of Russian losses over recent months has remained significantly higher than last year,according to the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

The biggest cost for the Russian Federation in the Ukraine war is ammunition and military support for their army, totaling £41 billion.

During the year and a half of this significant conflict, over £7 billion was allocated specifically for supporting Russian artillery.

Furthermore, the expenses for missiles fired into Ukraine have now surpassed a substantial sum of £17bn.

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