MP fumes after visit to Superdry store as woke employee wears badge with slur

A MP has lashed out at a major fashion store where she claimed to have been served by a staff member wearing a badge with a “slur” on it during her visit.

Edinburgh South West MP Joanna Cherry took to social media to express her discontent over the woke employee at her local Superdry who was wearing the controversial garment.

The SNP politician wrote on X, formerly known as Twitter: “Just been in your St James store Edinburgh where I was served by a man wearing a badge with a bleach bottle with the words “terf repellent” on it. Terf is a slur used against feminists and lesbians with boundaries. Are we not welcome in your store?”

A spokesperson for Superdry told they are “aware of the issue” and are currently investigating the incident.

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Several social media users quickly flocked to her post to share their views. Some supported the MP and called out the store for having an employee wearing a “discriminative badge.”

One commented: “ I really like my Superdry coat but refuse to spend my money at companies who allow their employees to wear discriminative badges at work.”

Another said: “I was going to spend a few hundred quid on clothes for my sons Christmas, but not until this individual has removed his badge.”

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However, a cerain section of people did not agree with the MP. One user said: “Oh come on Joanna – let’s call a spade a spade. You’re part of a group building a career out of trying to erase the existence of trans people.”

Another said: “Your “boundary” means rejection of trans people. So I’d say that’s not welcome, no.”

Earlier this year, Joanna spoke out after a Fringe Festival venue cancelled her appearance over her views on the trans community. The Stand said their staff said they would be uncomfortable working the event.

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